Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I want a baby bump!

There are a few things I hope are never genetic, ever. One of those is the deciding of whether or not I will have a baby bump. I have a feeling I will not show unless I go full-term, meaning 8-9 months in the pregnancy. There are a few factors that are making me feel this way:
  • My mother didn't show with me but she had me at 7 months, premature and smoked.
  • I have child-bearing hips, meaning there's plenty of room for that baby already!
  • I already have a slight pudge down there. Unless the fat gets in the way, I am not sure the baby is going to show for a long time.
But, from what I've read so far, each pregnancy is different. And, there are reasons I believe that the baby might show quite well starting at 13 weeks and beyond.
  • Most of those 'calculators' are indicating my baby is about 1 inch right now. Well, the 7 week ultrasound put my baby at 6.5cm! that is 2.6 inches roughly, a lot bigger than what was indicated through all these calculators. Now, granted, those calculators are meant to be the average. Here I am at 9 weeks, I am wondering how much he/she has grown since then! 
  • Because I am thick I have a feeling my body will stretch easier therefore show a baby bump.
  • How many people actually NEVER show a baby bump? I am sure there is always something there.
Symptoms so far: I have been having some scary and some wonderful dreams. I have slight nausea but that's because I am stubborn about eating breakfast. And, I have had the urge to have major mood swings, or little things bother me and I am just quiet to avoid confrontation. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

3D/4D Ultrasound and Genders

This sounds like a great fun session to have done while pregnant but it doesn't seem my mother is too interested. I guess everyone has their own opinion. I'd love to do this because it's a lot more extensive than a 2D session at the doctor's office.

I find it surprising that the doctor's offices do not participate in 3D ultrasounds yet because it allows you to see the baby more clearly. This to me would be more medically sound. Deformities would be easier to see, and obviously gender wouldn't be such a surprise.

I'd love to know the gender of my baby as soon as possible. My fiance really wants a boy and I assume that's because he already has a girl but, I just have an extremely strong feeling that this is a girl. The reason is because we did our 'thing' on May 15th, my annual was on the 16th and I wasn't pregnant then, we didn't do anything thereafter for a while, and I am said to have actually conceived on the 17th. If you look at the minimal amount of studies there are, they say that if you conceive a few days after intercourse it's usually a girl.

I am just looking at it scientifically but, who knows. I am happy either way. :)