Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Prenatal Visit

First Prenatal visit was had on June 23rd, 2011. The visit took forever but I suppose it was just a very busy day at that office. The first thing we did was the ultrasound. It was hard to believe it so I was quiet during the ultrasound. There it was, this little peanut looking or jellybean thing with a heartbeat. Very alien looking in the early weeks. Its heartbeat was 162 and it was healthy looking so far. I still haven't gone for the blood work yet but, that's because I have to go to Lab Corp which isn't open during lunch, or afternoon. Go figure. I guessed just about exactly the date when I'd be due. My guess was February 12 and that I was between 7-8 weeks along. The ultrasound revealed 7 weeks and a due date of February 7, 2012.

The number one thing on my mind is where we are all going to live. I rent a room at my mother's friends house and I used to have two rooms but my cousin moved in. I do not get along with my cousin and he doesn't even work. But, he won't leave. I have asked him many times if he can just go move back in with his mother or grandmother. He enjoys not being told to find a job or do any house work. All he does is sit in his room and play video games and my 'friend/landlord' doesn't care. This has been the most stressful part of this so far. I feel like even though I want this baby more than anything in the world, I am going to have to live in the ghetto to support it. My fiance isn't the biggest amount of help. He doesn't work enough to be able to help me support the bills. I love him but I have a feeling if he doesn't find himself to be a little more successful he'll be out the door too. I was raised by a single mother so I am not afraid of that life.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Bun is in the Oven!

Or so to speak. I found out I am pregnant and am anxiously awaiting my first doctors visit on June 23rd. My fiancĂ©e seems to be excited too. But, we've decided to post pone getting married until after our child and ourselves are settled. There would be too much going on until the pregnancy is done, (considering I am still in college) in order to actually plan and have a wedding. Plus, as much as I love Mark and as much as he loves me, we have just met. The fact that I am pregnant shouldn't speed things up, according to my family members and a lot of the people on Yahoo Answers ha-ha. 

Either way, a lot has happened since my last post. I received an A, a B, another A, and another B in all of the courses that I took last semester. Kudos! But this summer semester is drastically difficult because I am extremely tired now, and always hungry! And being gluten free and pregnant is one heck of a challenge. I am also trying my  hardest to save up money for the baby and our wedding. Since we are waiting I want to put away as much money as possible so that we can have an enjoyable honey moon, reception, and ceremony. 

But, I am having a hard time finding ways to save that money and earn that money. Taking on a second job right now might not be the greatest idea, but I am certainly thinking about it. A waitressing job for a few months would be sure to lend some extra cash. Besides, I can't quit college at the moment to prevent all the student loans from going into repayment. I truly wish I never took them out now. But, you can't change the past, only the future. I have a million and one things rushing through my head as I think of how I am going to handle this pregnancy. Number one thing, I am having caffeine withdrawals like crazy. I want a soda so bad but if I have been sticking to root beer and sprite, and I suppose next time I venture into the store I'll have to buy caffeine free coke. 

Anyways, this is going to be a bumpy ride. Hopefully a smooth one. I am going to try to continue to blog to relieve stress. Mark and myself have been having our little disputes, but who doesn't in a stressful situation? He is concerned about money more than I am. He is worried about he car breaking down and not having enough to support two children, etc. I understand all too well why he doesn't want the wedding right now.